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[Product covers are made to prevent impact to protect the product, so fine scratches, scratches, and discoloration MAY occur during the packaging/delivery process, which cannot be a reason for exchange or refund.]
*OUT BOX : 21 x 16.2 x 2.9 cm*PHOTO BOOK : 15 x 19.4 cm / 42p*FOLDED POSTER : 28 x 19 cm*MINI POSTER SET : 14 x 20 cm / 5ea*4-CUT PHOTO SET : 5 x 15 cm / 5ea*SYMBOL CLIP : 2.5 x 4 cm*UNIT PHOTOCARD SET : 6.2 x 8.8 cm / 4ea
*KIT VIDEO (about 430 mins)-SUBTITLES : Korean, English, Japanese